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Tag Archives: committee

9 things to know about the role of the club committee

9 things to know about the role of the Club committee   1. The rules should clearly state that the Chairperson has a casting vote and that his/her decision is final on Points of Order. 2. The Chairperson’s function is to maintain order, ensure meetings are conducted in accordance with the rules, and that the principles of Due Process and Natural Justice are applied in all decisions and determinations made …Read More

13 things to remember before setting up a club in Ireland

13 things to remember before setting up a club in Ireland   1. A Club or Association can form a Limited Liability Company by which the liability of its members can be limited to a specified amount, usually €1. A Limited Liability structure for a Club or Association is attractive in limiting exposure to claims for compensation being made against it. This is particularly of benefit where the Club or Association …Read More